As we prepare for the upcoming academic year, the Better Futures Program, our college partners, and Financial Aid support partners are here to provide resources for completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Form. The Better Futures Program, and many of our college partners, require the FAFSA as part of the admissions process to ultimately help lower the costs of education that students take on, including financial support toward tuition + fees, books, supplies, even transportation.

This email has a huge number of resources for completing the FAFSA, including helpful cheat-sheets, step-by-step videos, and tips for filling out the FAFSA. The FAFSA deadline for the 2023-2024 schoolyear is June 30, 2024, but the sooner you complete the FAFSA, the sooner the college can award you grants and scholarships in addition to free tuition.


  • Apply for the FAFSA:
  • FAFSA Website: HERE
  • Gather These Items Before Filling Out the FAFSA: HERE
  • FAFSA Worksheet (English): HERE
  • FAFSA Worksheet (Spanish): HERE
  • Tips for Filling Out the FAFSA (English): HERE
  • Tips for Filling Out the FAFSA (Spanish): HERE
  • Extensive FAFSA Guide: HERE
  • Step-By-Step Video: HERE

Your HR team is working to schedule a FAFSA completion event with your partner college and will announce those details to you.

If you have any questions or need any support, please reach out to the Better Futures Program or to your local HR team, who can connect you with the Financial Aid team at your partner college.